" I think often about it: I know that it should write something (not only it uses me as alleviation but to arrange my ideas and emotions), have enclosed a passbook full of "flashes" that me come, but that I have never managed to develop.
El caso es que no ahora mismo estoy demasiado ocupada viviendo como para pararme a escribir."
He elegido este parrafo correspondiente al blog de TROPICO DE TAURO, ya que me siento totalmente identificado con tal párrafo, vivo mi vida y no tengo tiempo de escribirla en un papel.
The case is that not just now I am too busy living like to stop to write to me. " I have chosen this paragraph corresponding to the blog of TROPIC OF TAURUS, since I feel totally identified with such a paragraph, live through my life and do not have time to write it in a paper.
No he dudado en ningún momento en coger este vídeo, para mi Sinatra es la mejor voz masculina de todos los tiempos, muy buena canción!!!
I have not hesitated to take ever this video, for my Sinatra it is the best masculine voice of all the times, very good song!!!
En mi opinion, el blog esta escrito por una mujer joven, de unos 20-25 años que fue estudiante en su dia y lleva haciendo el blog desde bachillerato. No podria ponerle apariencia...
In my opinion, the blog this one written by a young woman, of approximately 20-25 years that he was a student in his day and ride doing the blog from baccalaureate. Not podria to put appearance...
I enterely agree with you about Sinatra...we share that view!!! I know the reason why...I think, ...you´ve chosen the quotation about not always being in the mood for writing ...shall we talk about it?