martes, 6 de mayo de 2014


En este post voy a hablar sobre Isabel Cabrera, una universitaria que ha obtenido hace poco el grado de profesora de ingles y en este momento esta estudiando un master para su carrera.

Esta es la informacion que he podido recopilar sobre ella:
- le gustaria estudiar mas cosas, pero lo que le apasiona es ser profesora de ingles
- aunque parezca mentira, cuando era chica no le gustaba el ingles a causa de sus profesores, pero al final le termino encantando
- algunas de las asignaturas que se estudian en su carrera son gramatica, traduccion, literatura...
- Finalizo su grado hace un año
- piensa que la asignatura de proyecto integrado es una buena idea
- en un futuro le gustaria ser profesora de ingles, y si no hubiese suerte, traductora
- entro con un 5 en selectividad
- si estudias filologia inglesa, puedes ser profesora, traductora, trabajar en sitios relacionados con la literatura inglesa... aqui o fuera de España
- prefiere el ingles americano, ya que es mas sencillo, tambien le gusta el ingles britanico aunque sea mas cerrado
EN CONCLUSION, segun Isabel, todo lo que aprendas en esta vida, que sea porque te guste, y yo estoy totalmente de acuerdo con ella, si no eres feliz con lo que haces, nunca podras vivir tu vida.

In this post I am going to speak on Isabel Cabrera, a university student who has obtained it makes small the degree of Englishman's teacher and at this moment this one studying a master for his career.

This one is the information that I could have compiled on her:
- gustaria to study mas things, but what him apasiona is to be an Englishman's teacher
- though it looks like a lie, when she was a girl he did not like the Englishman because of his teachers, but ultimately he ends up by delighting me
- some of the subjects that they are studied in his career are grammatical, translation, literature ...
- I finish his degree one year ago
- he thinks that the subject of integrated project is a good idea - in a future him gustaria to be an Englishman's teacher, and if there was no luck, translator
- She enter with 5 selectivity
- if you study english philology , you can be a teacher, translator, be employed at sites related to the English literature ... here or out of Spain
- the American Englishman prefers, since it is mas simply, also he likes the British Englishman though enclosure is mas

IN CONCLUSION, according to Isabel, everything what you learn in this life, which should be because you like it, and I agree totally with her, if you are never happy with what you make, podras live through your life.

2 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. The information you have included about mrs Isabel is very interesting. You should divide pharagraphs, put more colours and use highlighters to persuade people enter into your post and make it more attractive:)
