Me gustaría hablar sobre una anécdota que me hace mucha curiosidad, ya que no hay excepciones, siempre pasa lo mismo con todo tipo de personas y me parece bastante gracioso.
Nosotros vamos creciendo cada año, física, psicológica y academicamente. Me voy a centrar en esta ultima. Cada año, los estudios son mas difíciles, diferente forma de afrontar los cursos, diferentes objetivos, diferentes asignaturas en algunos casos... y siempre va a estar ese amigo mayor que tu que te dirá: "bah, eso era muy fácil" ese amigo que hace un año, dando lo mismo que tu, iba a decirte que cuando llegases a dar esa cosa, te iba a resultar imposible.
Con todo esto quiero llegar a una conclusión, nunca hagas caso a la gente sobre lo que te diga en los estudios, ya sea relacionado con asignaturas, profesores, institutos.. ya que cada persona es un mundo y no a todo el mundo se nos dará igual de bien, o igual de mal..................
I would like to speak on an anecdote that makes to me curiosity great, since there are no exceptions, always the same thing happens with all kinds of persons and seems to me to be graceful enough.
We are growing every year, physically, psychologically and academic. I go away to centring in last this one. Every year, the studies are mas difficult, different way of confronting the courses, different objective, different subjects in some cases ... and always this major friend is going to be that your that will say to you: " bah, it was very easy " this friend that one year ago, giving the same thing that your, it was going to say to you that when you should manage to give this thing, it you was going to turn out to be impossible.
With all that I want to come to a conclusion, never notice the people on what he says to you in the studies, already be related to subjects, teachers, institutes .. since every person is a world and not to the whole world one will be all the same to us of good, or equally of evil ..................
At any rate....what doesn´t devastate us MAKE US STRONGER!!!!