martes, 10 de diciembre de 2013

Mejor tarde que nunca...

Se me habia olvidado hacer la presentacion de mi blog... soy un desastre, solo deciros que en este blog encontrareis informacion variada en diferentes idiomas y que espero sorprenderos un poco cada dia!

 I had forgotten to do to me the introduction of my blog ... I am a disaster, only to say to you that in this blog you will find information changed in different languages and that I expect to surprise you a bit every day!

5 comentarios:

  1. Respuestas
    1. Manuel...dear..if your posts don't have an IMAGE......I won't count them!!!

  2. Manuel dear..the text doesn´t include all the feattures i gave you in class. Besides you haven´t published the key to the Australian quizz so your mark will be drastically reduced ( take into account that the deadline has expired)

  3. Manuel...happy come-back!!! have 0´4 reduction not to have published the key to the Australian Christmas quizz and your self-portrait presentation....mind that!!!
