martes, 10 de diciembre de 2013

Navidades veraniegas!!!

Billy Can Pudding
1 bebida tradicional australiana
2. Tipo de bollo hecho a base de te negro, canela, bicarbonato y otras especias 
3 sopa de arroz
4 pastel de fresas con nata
Christmas Damper
1 calcetin navideño
2 coche con tres ruedas
3. pan de procedencia aborigen que se cocía enterrado en la tierra con el calor que liberan las brasas de una hoguera
4 comida navideña hecha a base de chocolate
Drover's Plum Pudding 
1. postre hecho a base de arroz, frutos secos, agua dulce y pasas
2 pasteles de chocolate con nata
3 pasteles de plastico
4 postre navideño realizado a base de leche 
Boxing Day
1 dia del boxeo en navidad
2 dia en el que es legal pegarle a la gente
3 dia en el que se comprar los guantes de boxeo mas baratos
4. día festivo que tiene lugar el 26 de diciembre o el primer o segundo día de la semana después del día de Navidad

Billy Can Pudding
 1 traditional Australian drink
 2. Type of bun done based on you black, cinnamon, bicarbonate and other spices 
 3 soup of rice
 4 cake of strawberries with born
 Christmas Damper
 1 calcetin Christmas 
 2 car with three wheels
 3. Bread of aboriginal origin that was cooked buried in the land by the heat that the embers of a bonfire liberate
 4 shows restraint Christmas done based on chocolate
 Drover's Plum Pudding 
1. Dessert done based on rice, dried fruits, sweet water and you spend 
2 pastry of chocolate with scum
3 pastry of plastic
 4 Christmas dessert realized based on milk 
Boxing Day 
1 day of the boxing in navidad 
2 day in the one that is legal 
3 to beat him to the people day in which the boxing gloves to be bought mas cheap 
4. Bank holiday that takes place on December 26 or the first or the second day of the week after the day of Christmas

3 comentarios:

  1. I think your post is good Manu!! I like it!!

  2. it's a great post i like so much because there are good information!

  3. Good post but if you put another font mas nicely it is!!
