Ávalon es el nombre de una isla legendaria de la mitología celta en algún lugar de las islas Británicas donde, según la leyenda, La espada de Arturo fue forjada y donde se recuperó de sus heridas. Habitan nueve reinas hadas, como Morgana.
El Santo Grial es la copa usada por Jesucristo en la Última Cena. La búsqueda del Santo Grial es un importante elemento en las historias relacionadas con el Rey Arturo.
Sir Mordred es un personaje de la mitología celta, hijo incestuoso del Rey Arturo y Morgause, conocido por haber sido asesinado por el Rey Arturo. Aunque su relación con Arturo depende la leyenda, la más conocida es la de ser su hijo ilegítimo nunca aceptado.
The poem speaks to us about the present and the future, but that speaks on the past. The one that speaks in the poem might be the magician Merlín and he speaks to us about the king Arturo. The topic would be between the oldness and the death, the title of the poem gives us a track of the topic: eroded. The passage of time erodes us, affects us and we age with him.
Ávalon is the name of a legendary island of the Celtic mythology in some place of the British islands where, according to the legend, Arturo's sword was forged and where it recovered of his wounds. Nine queens live fairies, as Morgana.
The Holy Grail is the glass used by Jesus Christ in the Last Dinner. The search of the Holy Grail is an important element in the histories related to the King Arturo.
Sir Mordred is a personage of the Celtic mythology, Incestuous son of the King Arturo and Morgause, acquaintance for having being murdered by the King Arturo. Though his relation with Arturo depends the legend, the most known it is that of never being his accepted illegitimate child.
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