Sinceramente, yo no sería un hikikomori, ya que echaria de menos el deporte y a mis amigos.
El país que tiene mayor número hikikomoris es Japón, ya que los hijos viven durante muchos años en la casa de los padres, aunque también por fracasos económicos o porpresión social.
Hikikomori is a term of Japanese origin that can be translated as "imprisonment" or "confinement". Those who suffer this disease are for the most part teen males, that aislan of the company and they decide to live in his room, stuck to a screen of the computer, the videoconsola or the television and to have access to Internet. Only they relate to other hikikomori of a virtual way.
Sincerely, I would not be a hikikomori, since echaria of less the sport and to my friends.
El País has major number hikikomoris is Japan, since the children live for many years in the house of the parents, though also for economic failures or porpresión social.
The hikikomoris, because of living isolated and using Internet and video games constatemente, they take these games as the reality.
Please... change the expression in the former post. For thsi post you must answer all the questions I included in my requierements!!!